Me and My Mexican Moments.

Why Mexican Coffee

History of Mexican Coffee

Chile, cacao, avocado, corn. There are many tasty typical products that can be thought of when referring to Mexico. Surprisingly, coffee is one of them. So much so, that their grains cover almost half of agricultural exports and a significant portion of total Mexican exports. Worldwide, Mexican coffee accounts for 3% of total production.

Characteristics of the Mexican coffee

Arábica: it is a veryperfumed, sweet, slightly acidic and with great nuances of flavor, with a light hazel nut cream that tends to reddish and a pleasant bitter touch.

Robusta: it is bitterand combined with hints of nuts and wood. Also, its texture is more rough and creamy.

Sustainable communities

Is a process in which itis necessary to comply with a series of norms and standards that can besummarized in three aspects: to carry out good agricultural practices, with out chemicals; to respect the environment, with the least possible invasion and above all without harming endemic fauna; and engage in ethical trade with communities, where the quality of coffee is not stripped away with the prosperity of local inhabitants.

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